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It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Except this time around you get more than just one day off work to have fun! Happy New Year is coming up soon on January 1st. Whether you’re in college and looking for some light relief in the final weeks of exams, or you work in an office with a ticking countdown clock to December 31st, there is something in here that will bring a smile to your face and make life that little bit more bearable before we all go into hibernation (or head back out again). So please enjoy this list of 37 crazy things about New Year celebrations :) 1. It’s one of the few times when people use their phones to send actual text messages to their friends. 2. Everyone puts on their best dress and tries to look hot for midnight photos. 3. “Auld Lang Syne” will be playing somewhere, guaranteed. 4. And only one person in your group knows all of the words… or can carry a tune… or knows what it actually means… but at least it’s better than “Kiss at midnight!” right? 5. Everyone is counting down the seconds to midnight as if it’s the last day on Earth… then going to bed sober an hour later. 6. Nobody wants to have a drink, because it’s going to hit you in the head. 7. You either have a designated driver, or a designated non-drinker who will be making sure you don’t drink and drive. 8. You either have a designated kisser, or a designated non-kisser who will be making sure you don’t kiss and drive. 9. You either have a designated kisser, or a designated non-kisser who will be making sure you don’t kiss and die. 10. Billions of people around the world are going to turn their clocks back an hour in an attempt to keep up with the rest of the world. 11. So what happens when you accidentally do it? You wind up stuck in some crappy time zone! 12. The phrase “Happy New Year” is uttered by thousands of people every minute as the clock strikes midnight. 13. And then by about 2:00am, everyone will forget to say it at all. 14. You either have a designated driver, or a designated non-drinker who will be making sure you don’t drink and drive. 15. You either have a designated kisser, or a designated non-kisser who will be making sure you don’t kiss and drive… and die! 16. People will start planning next year’s party before the last one has even ended… but this is what makes life great! 17. cfa1e77820